Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The eCommerce In-Store Experience

I just stumbled upon this site that allows you to browse Amazon's inventory of books as if you were strolling through a brick-and-mortar book store. Check out the neat way e-commerce and the in-store experience combine at


Friday, June 6, 2008

SEO for the 2008 Presidential Campaign?

A friend of mine posed a "what-if" conversational topic recently, about being tasked with optimizing the web site of a US presidential hopeful for the upcoming election. Though amusing to ponder how one might use SEO to crush or elevate such an important campaign on the web, it brought up a valid point - how ARE the presidential hopefuls doing with their online marketing, and more specifically, their natural search result rankings?

Here is a great article I came across, as I wondered just that: